Twitch is a live stream platform that allows you to streaming a video and doing a commentary on the ‘Stream Chat’. Through this stream chat, a lot of users can communicate and comment about the video they are watching. Unfortunately, there is some user who loves throwing insults or trolling the other user. This kind of activity is really annoying, isn’t it? To avoid that kind of user, Twitch provides a block menu. Here is the method on how to block someone on Twitch.

How to Block Someone Via Stream Chat

If you want to block someone on twitch but don’t know the username, you can go to stream chat to find this annoying user. This is super easy as you don’t need to remember the user name. And here are the steps to how to block someone on Twitch via stream chat.

1. From Browser

You can open Twitch both from the browser or application. If you want to block someone from a browser, you should go to

After you’re on the Twitch website, log in to your Twitch account. You can not block someone if you’re just a visitor and not a user. So, make sure you already logged in. Then, from here on you can block someone you think annoying. To block someone via stream chat, you should open the video. There are several ways. First, you can choose a channel on the left panel. Another way is to go to someone else channel that doing live streaming. After you’re on the channel, you can find the stream chat on the upper right corner. You can look for the username that you intend to block. After finding it, click the username. You will see the profile card of the user. Then look for three-dots in vertical, and then click it.

Choose the option block. Before blocking the user, Twitch will ask you whether you’re sure or not to block him or her.

If you click the block, his or her message will be hidden by Twitch. So, now this annoying user will not annoy you anymore.

2. From Application

If you’re not used to opening Twitch from a browser, you can do the alternative way. Since Twitch also available in an app, you can block someone from an app too.

The first thing you should do is to launch the Twitch app. After that, if you’re not logged in yet, just log into Twitch. After all, if you want to block someone in Twitch you must have a valid account in Twitch. When already logged in, you can go to a channel where the person you want to block often come. Don’t forget that the position of stream chat in an app is different from the browser. You can find it under the video. After that, search the username you want to block in the stream chat. When you find it, select the user name and you will see a small menu appear. In the list of the menu, you can choose the option block if you really want to block this person.

After that, Twitch will ask you the reason for blocking a certain username. You can write whatever you like for the reason. After that confirm that you’re sure to block this person.

That’s how to block someone on Twitch via stream chat using the browser or the app.

How to Block Someone Via Twitch’s Username Search Menu

Blocking someone on Twitch can be done in two ways. If you don’t know the username, you can make use of a stream chat. But, if you already know the username of the person you want to block, it’s quicker to use the username search menu. The step is very simple.

First, go to the Twitch website. After that log in with your account. Remember that you can’t block someone if you’re not logged in with a valid account. If you want to block a person based on the username, look at your list of subscribed channels. At the bottom of the panel, there is a search bar. Click it and then type the username. You will find some of the users who matched your search.

Click the username you want to block to create a chatbox. Look for user option in the top right corner to search block (name) option.

After you find it, click the block (name) option. Before getting blocked, Twitch will ask whether you’re sure or not. You can click the block if it is your final decision.

Now, you’ll be free from the person whom you block. Neither the message in the stream chat or private chat will reach you. The blocked person can’t add you on Twitch too. Twitch is a live streaming platform, so you will find many people upload their videos or doing commentary on the videos. There’s no help if you find some of them throwing insult or annoy other users. So, learn how to block someone on Twitch to get free from that kind of person.